This year's list includes cork insulation, a heat-pump water heater, a new low-e coating, and WUFI software
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Proponents of green building have spent years fighting the impression that sustainable design is all about product selection. It's difficult to swim upstream against the tide of American consumerism, but it's important to keep repeating an important truism: green building depends on following an integrated designBuilding design in which different components of design, such as the building envelope, window placement and glazings, and mechanical systems are considered together. High-performance buildings and renovations can be created cost-effectively using integrated design, since higher costs one place can often be paid for through savings elsewhere, for example by improving the performance of the building envelope, the heating and cooling systems can be downsized, or even eliminated. process, on minimizing the size of the building, and on designing for energy efficiency. You can't make a bad building green by specifying a few "green" building materials.
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